What to expect from your RMT at Aloe Massage Therapy
In British Columbia, Registered Massage Therapists (RMTs) must complete a 3000-hour program and maintain membership with the College of Massage Therapists of BC. This makes us some of the highest trained massage therapists in North America. The program includes courses on human anatomy, physiology, kinesiology, neurology, and pathology and gives us a great base knowledge in connective tissue including muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia, joints, and boney structures.
Massage therapy can be a healthy addition to a balanced lifestyle.
For information of the types of massage therapy and techniques used follow the link.
First Massage Treatment
You will be asked to fill out a health history form and together your RMT will discuss your current concerns. These will be treated using a variety of hands-on techniques to assist your body in regaining optimum function, while minimizing pain.
History and Examination
In order to determine what your actual problem is, your RMT will ask you various questions related to your condition. If indicated, specialized tests will be performed to determine which tissues are affected and to what extent.
Same Day Massage Treatment
Once finished with the examination and all appropriate studies, your RMT will provide you with their first massage treatment during this same visit. The massage therapist carefully explains each procedure and works with a variety of techniques aimed to effectively meet the needs of your body.
Home Instructions
Prior to leaving, patients will be given instructions on certain activities, or procedures to be conducted at home. This may include ice or heat application instructions, avoidance of certain activities or positions, as well as home exercises and/or stretches.
Paying for your visit, and average costs
Payment is due for your visit at the completion of each visit. Please consult our hourly fee schedule for rates. The initial visit, which includes a consultation, careful history of your complaint(s), examination, and treatment, will range from $107 or $197 depending on the length of treatment you choose. Follow up visits will also range from $107 to $254, again depending on the length of treatment you choose.
Schedule Your Next Appointment
You can schedule your follow-up massage therapy visit with your massage therapist in person, by phone or through our online booking system. We generally recommend scheduling a follow-up appointment 1 week after your initial visit, but of course this is at your discretion. After this we will discuss any need for further treatment. We will never pressure you into a “treatment schedule”.