Many women visit their RMT for massage therapy during their pregnancy. It helps to deal with many of the aches and pains associated with pregnancy. Not enough exercise though, and there is plenty of evidence demonstrating the overwhelming benefits of exercise during pregnancy.
Recently, Canada’s leading authority on prenatal and postnatal exercise published an article on the subject with her American counterparts. Previously, women were cautioned against starting new forms of exercise while pregnant, but the authors argue that it is actually the ideal time because of the many regular prenatal visits to the doctor.
There are many benefits to both mom and baby from exercising while pregnant. Here are a few:
· Women who exercise while pregnant and much more likely to continue exercising postpartum
· Lower risk of gestational diabetes and pregnancy related hypertensive disorders
· Lower rate of obesity and excessive weight gain during pregnancy
· Improved long term health of women
Most importantly, they conclude that health care providers should be counseling women about exercise prior to becoming pregnant, during pregnancy and post partum.
Here is a link to the full text article published in the American college of sports medicine’s journal, Current Sports Medicine Reports.
Jennifer Lie, BA, RMT is a registered massage therapist in downtown Vancouver. She has taken the pre and post natal specialist course and is currently enrolled at the American College of Sports Medicine in their Certified Personal Trainer program.