There's a wave of blogs, articles written on the subject of being barefoot, whether it’s running or walking. Topics vary from how to walk and run barefoot, who should or should not be in them, how to start and so on.
Read MoreThoracic Outlet Syndrome and You.
Ever get that tingly feeling into your hands or finger tips, like they’ve fallen asleep? Often times, that sensation is the result of compression on the nerve and/or the blood vessel that feed into the arm.
Read MorePrenatal Pregnancy Massage Therapy
Prenatal pregnancy massage therapy is a safe and effective way to treat many unpleasant symptoms that women may have during pregnancy. Studies have also shown that prenatal massage can reduce levels of depression and anxiety related to hormonal changes, reduce swelling through improved circulation, relieve muscle pain, promote relaxation, help with insomnia, relieve stress and pain in joints and alleviate muscle aches and imbalances. Prenatal massage can be performed comfortably at any stage of pregnancy either lying on your side (side lying) or face down (like a traditional massage) on bolsters that accommodate a growing belly. Ludwig, L; Rattray, F (2000). Clinical Massage Therapy. Toronto, ON: Talus Incorporated.